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ALLTOGETHER - for peaceful coexistence

“ALLTOGETHER” is KOMM MIT's philosophy of life
Respecting differences, celebrating similarities and creating a future of solidarity together — all of this is reflected in the work of KOMM MIT. The “ALLTOGETHER” idea is lived out in particular at the numerous events in various European countries, where positive and sustainable values are conveyed to thousands of children and young people from Europe and all over the world.
An outstanding example is our ALLTOGETHER — European Youth Football Festival. This is where children and young people from all 55 UEFA nations come together to play football and experience intercultural exchange. Workshops, trips and sporting activities promote the feeling of “we” as Europeans and impressively show the ever-converging Europe in all its diversity.
The European Community is a role model for peaceful coexistence worldwide, which KOMM MIT actively supports. The idea of integration and identification with other cultures, mentalities and habits plays a central role in this.

Supported by well-known partners such as unicef, the Council of Europe, UEFA and the DFB (German Football Association), the KOMM MIT “ALLTOGETHER” events underline the socio-political significance of youth football. Already successfully completed in Barcelona, Linz and Berlin, the project has gained significant partners and supporters such as Deutsche Telekom, ARAG Insurance and Coca Cola.
Football is more than a 1-0 score — it unites. The “AllTogether” events focus on intercultural exchange and the creation of a shared sense of “we”. For decades, youth football has brought together young people from a wide variety of cultures in clubs all over the world. This “peaceful coexistence” must also be maintained for the future.
Because peace cannot be taken for granted — but together we can preserve it.
“Offering children and young people from different nations the opportunity to meet and get to know each other in a friendly and peaceful environment” — that was the vision of Karlheinz Reinartz, founder of KOMM MIT in 1983. This vision is still lived out today.
Football is for everyone.
Football is limitless.
Football is what unites us.
ALLTOGETHER - european youth football festival 2014
ALLTOGETHER - european youth football festival 2010
ALLTOGETHER - european youth football festival 2008
More than 9 million Handshakes for a peaceful coexistence.