Gender Equality

Create acceptance - reduce prejudices
Girls' and women's football was and has always been an integral part of KOMM MIT's event calendars. What goes without saying for us, namely that girls and boys actively play football and travel abroad to events to be part of an intercultural youth encounter, is unfortunately still not taken for granted in some societies.
We are committed both at national and international level to ensure that girls and young women experience sporting moments in a positive, fair and celebratory setting and have the opportunity to get to know each other beyond national borders and thus build up a network for girls' and women's football. For this purpose, various activities have been carried out in the past, including “Girls am Ball”, a multi-year campaign together with the FVM (Middle Rhine Football Association), supported by “Wissen macht Ah” presenter Shary Reeves.
Every year over €100,000 Funding for the Girls' football festival!
FVM mentoring program
As a long-standing partner of the FVM (Middle Rhein Football Association) in the area of youth promotion, KOMM MIT supports the project “FVM on site: mentoring for girls' trainers”. The aim of the project is to reduce the high dropout rate in girls' football and to pay more attention to retaining the players who already play football in the girls' teams of the clubs.
In order to achieve this goal, coaches should be sustainably qualified by our mentors so that training attractiveness is increased and players enjoy playing. In addition, how coaches interact with players should be trained in girls' football, taking into account the educational and psychological characteristics of girls.


The “Girls-Football-Festival” is KOMM MIT's latest project for national and international girls' and women's football.
In an exciting mix of tournament events with festival character paired with workshops and exchange opportunities on the subject of girls' and women's football, the girls and womens game is to be strengthened in the long term. All of this in an international and unique atmosphere at our female only tournament!
SDG5-Förderung - GRLPWR verlängert
Girls Football Festival: 500€ pro Team Gemeinsam für die Geschlechtergleichstellung!

Als Mitglied der UN-Initiative "Football For The Goals" fördern wir aktiv das SDG 5: Gleichberechtigung und Stärkung von Mädchen und Frauen. Mit unserem Girls-Football-Festival 2025 setzen wir ein starkes Zeichen – auf und neben dem Platz!
Wir freuen uns auf Dich und Dein Team!