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Football United: Together for Diversity

Over the Pentecost holidays, come with brought together more than 160 youth teams through soccer. Children and young people from Europe have used the power of soccer together to set an example for an equal and diverse Europe.

In Spain, Italy, Croatia and the Netherlands, COME ALONG celebrated a united Europe at four soccer festivals with more than six nations. The numerous teams played for the popular trophies and medals. A special highlight was once again the awarding of the Fair Play Cup, which has been awarded to the fairest team at all COME WITH events for almost 40 years.

For the 38th time, the traditional international Pentecost tournament was held under the Spanish Mediterranean Sun. 1,800 participants did not miss out on this opportunity and watched exciting soccer matches until the end. The Croatia Football Festival took place in Croatia. The sporting event on the Adriatic Coast combines cultural learning and soccer fun. At the Riccione Football Cup in Italy, a joint soccer festival was celebrated for three days and new friendships were made. In the Netherlands, the Slagharen Trophy includes younger audiences. The numerous parents and caregivers ensured supra-regional and international “fan exchange.”

Philipp Reinartz, Managing Director of KOMM MIT, was pleased that many teams have once again followed the KOMM MIT motto “Feel the Spirit of Europe” and have experienced mutual respect and recognition of diversity through soccer.

„Wir nutzen die Popularität des Fußballs, um gesellschaftsrelevante Werte zu vermitteln. Dies gelingt gerade im Kinder- und Jugendfußball auf eine spielerische Art und Weise fast von selbst. Wichtig ist hier, dass die Kinder über die Vereine die Möglichkeit erhalten sportliche Angebote wahrzunehmen und ein positiver Rahmen für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung geschaffen wird.“

Philipp Reinartz

